Thursday, October 8, 2020
My Extraordinary (Medical) Adventures: In The World of a Toddler
In The World of a Toddler
So back to toddlers! Mine is a ball of energy and sometimes, makes me want to pull my hair out or whatever’s left of it. Never before have I pushed myself to work this sleep deprived. Or had to use my inner genius to create distractions in exchange for cooperation. In spite of it all, l wouldn’t trade this for anything. Especially, when I’m drained from a hard day’s work and wonder how to keep up at playtime. Because another lesson awaits! He teaches me to be self content and motivated because somehow and I don’t know how, he manages to stay happy and amuse himself even if it means doing it on his own. In times like this, l wish he would never grow up. That he would eternalize these qualities because weren’t we all this special at some point? Yet we “adulted” and lost the sweet innocence that we all struggle to recover, quite never fully back.
A mom and Pediatrician at ❤️ @thrivingdoctor
Sunday, August 2, 2020
Mentorship my Mantra FOR LIFE
Friday, July 3, 2020
My Extraordinary (Medical) Adventures: Rise of the Working Mom (Part Two)
Rise of the Working Mom (Part Two)
I hated the thought of staying behind. As if it wasn't enough that repeating my entire intern year had already put me one year behind. Now I had to extend my residency for an additional 2 weeks. Initially frustrating, but the extra time with my son ended up being the best decision and I'm glad I had that support.
He is about to turn ONE. He is growing, cruising and chatting away. Now I ask "why did the time fly by"? LOL. I praise God for this journey and for teaching me patience. I have so much respect for Mothers. Mothers all over the world. Housewives. Working mothers. Single mothers. How do we do it??? Only God knows, but keep doing it!!!