In 2 months, my toddler has already taught me so much about life! I watch him trot about in his avocado-decorated diaper, unafraid to appear silly. He started walking not too long ago so he’s not perfect yet. He still trips and falls every so often, but before you know it, he’s up and running again. I watch how assertive he gets when we negotiate reading vs playtime. He’s a tough cookie and doesn’t let anyone boss him around despite being the youngest human in the house. And to top it all, the boy knows how to get what he wants. He’s quite persistent and doesn’t let obstacles deter him ever. Almost sounds like the perfect adult, right? Yet he’s only 14 months old! I wonder where he gets his confidence from.
As we celebrated another milestone, I failed to grasp how fast my son is growing. Almost feels like he was born yesterday. As expected in the first 2 years of life, his brain is rapidly developing and creating connections that enable him to do and be who he is day by day. It dawned on me that my toddler probably wakes up with brand new abilities perhaps everyday? Ok maybe not everyday, but pretty often. For example, one day he discovers he can move his fingers in a way he couldn’t before hence can now hold the handle of a cup (fine motor skills). Neat! Or his lips and cheeks can now fold in a new way so he can imitate that phrase mommy always says “no” (communication skills). Let’s think about this for a second. Won’t it be nice to wake up with new “abilities” everyday? The ability to multitask efficiently. To stop procrastinating. To say NO more often (except when it comes to your toddler). Or simply, not fussing over the little things because they work out anyway. I think it would be so amazing. Ok I digressed, but boy, did it feel good!
So back to toddlers! Mine is a ball of energy and sometimes, makes me want to pull my hair out or whatever’s left of it. Never before have I pushed myself to work this sleep deprived. Or had to use my inner genius to create distractions in exchange for cooperation. In spite of it all, l wouldn’t trade this for anything. Especially, when I’m drained from a hard day’s work and wonder how to keep up at playtime. Because another lesson awaits! He teaches me to be self content and motivated because somehow and I don’t know how, he manages to stay happy and amuse himself even if it means doing it on his own. In times like this, l wish he would never grow up. That he would eternalize these qualities because weren’t we all this special at some point? Yet we “adulted” and lost the sweet innocence that we all struggle to recover, quite never fully back.
A mom and Pediatrician at ❤️ @thrivingdoctor